January 2017

Resolutions aren't only about improving yourself for that year but making a difference for the rest of your life...

I don't know about some of you but for me it has become a bore to make the same resolutions and never stick to them. Instead of bettering myself, I'm going to make a difference in this year for you. This year will consist of new content leading up to a fabulous surprise for you all at the end of this year. I am so excited that I'll be able to share things I'm making while photographing them for you.

Since moving to Denver, CO. I've decided to "scrub" away all the negative things that come with moving and embrace the changes. Therefore, this month consisted of making homemade sugar scrubs.

Homemade Sugar Scrub Cubes

What you'll need:

Silicone ice cube mold

Mason jar

1 cup Sugar

1 cup Coconut Oil (melted)

10-20 drops of Essential Oils

Fresh herbs (optional)

How to make:

Get your mold ready by rubbing some oil along the sides.

Melt Coconut Oil in microwaveable bowl then mix in your drops of Essential Oils.

If you are adding in fresh herbs for looks and fresh scents, add them at this time.

Once you have your desired scent add in the sugar. Mix all the ingredients until it becomes gritty feeling. Should look like this...

Once you have the proper texture scoop the mixture into your molds. Refrigerate for 2-4 hours or until firm. 

After your molds form put them into an air tight container and enjoy in the shower or while washing your hands!

Hope you enjoy this super easy tutorial and will try it yourself at home to refresh yourself for the new year!

See y'all in February for a new tutorial!